I've had two glasses of wine, so I'll try & get this right.
Joy is taking her mother, Betty's ashes to Idaho with her & she just found out today that she is supposed to have a permit to take the ashes across state lines. We all think that would make a great Jim Carey movie. Can't you just see some cop pulling Joy over, thinking he's made some great drug-bust, tasting the ashes & saying, "Oh, yeah, this is the good stuff. You're going down, Glancy."
Randy said the permit was because of some "bureau
cat." He also thought of the advantages of riding with Betty's ashes - you can probably use the carpool lane. xoxo
No, That's Not a Harry Potter Potion

I have been such a little Martha Stewart lately. I made yet another batch of apricot jam the other day. I'm just so proud of myself, I may even make peach jam when the time comes. The only drawback comes from cleaning up. There is a reason my brother-in-law says I cook like the Muppets' chef. I can't remember the chef's name for the life of me, but I do know that he says, "do-dee-do!" a lot, throws things everywhere while cooking & generally makes a huge mess. After seeing the photos, I may have to agree. xoxo
ps - we're leaving tomorrow early. See you in two weeks!

Peanut. Peanut Butter. And Jelly
Business first:
- With all of the parents & non-parents out there, I only got one comment on yesterday's post? C'mon, people!
- We're leaving for Idaho early Thursday a.m. We should be back in about two weeks. I'll have no way to blog while I'm gone & I'm feeling a little anxious about this.
- Going to Idaho to see the inlaws' new cabin & help Rus & Joy move. So sad that they're moving.
- Got a new camera. I LOVE IT!!!!
With business out of the way, here's today's real post:
Took Gracie to
Panera Bread for dinner tonight. I'm a little put off because a)they charged me $12 for a kids drink, PB & J, a chicken sandwich & some chips that we didn't want and b)when I left Gracie on one side of the restaurant to collect our food & distracted, I set the pager-thingy on the counter instead of in the basket, the glorified fast food guy behind the counter pointed to it and said, "No, that goes in the basket," then waited while I mumbled, "Oh, sorry," and put it in the *correct* place. He was much more rude than I'm making him sound.
I didn't plan on writing about the rude old guy behind the counter. Let me ask you, if you were to eat a PB & J sandwich, where would you start? With the crusty sides? Maybe on the cut edge, where the jelly is oozing out? If you're GracieGirl, then you start in the very middle of the sandwich. It's extra yummy that way.

(GracieGirl is her new superhero name). xoxo
Just the Three of Us

So I've decided that I don't want any more kids. Now before you gasp in horror, please listen to my reasoning & know that one day I will very likely eat my words. The ironic part is that I had a great pregnancy & delivery. While I was still in the hospital, Randy & I even talked about having a second when Gracie was 6 months old. The timeline just kept getting pushed back. Here's my thinking:
- I've got Gracie, why mess with (only-child-spoiled-rotten) perfection?
- Gracie, Randy & I nap together just about every day. There is no way I'm ready to give that up.
- When I was working, I was quite the workaholic. I would rarely say no to something new, unless it was something I knew was absolutely too much. Based on that, I'm saying no to more responsibility in my current employment (mommahood), which should be taken just as seriously.
- I know it is temporary, but four people in a one bedroom house is just a bad idea all around. Especially when one of those four people would be brand new & pooping & screaming a lot.
- 10 poopy diapers & 2-3 hours of sleep per night. 'Nuff said.
- I really don't want to be fat again.
- In the past two years, I have gained and lost about 60lbs. Gracie only weighed 5lbs. 6oz.
- I can't stand the thought of Gracie feeling displaced by another child.
What do you think? Have I made my case? xoxo

Did you know that Gracie now owns everything in the entire universe? Her new favorite word is *mine*. She uses it constantly & it can mean many different things.
This morning, after she woke up & cuddled with me for a millisecond, she promptly labeled my pillow forcefully as, "
Mine!" Many times, this version of mine is accompanied by grabbing the possessed object in her hands and turning her shoulders away from you - so you really know who the owner of that dirty sock is.
Other times, she'll say the two syllabled "mi-ine." I've even caught her saying this one to herself & to her toys.
She has also spoken the questioning "mine?" This one is much rarer, seeing as she would much rather claim something & avoid the hassle of asking permission.
She turns 18 months old in a few weeks. So far, yet so very very close to the legendary terrible twos. Maybe this way she'll get past it sooner? All one can do is hope! And yet, I'm still so glad that she is
mine! xoxo
ps - I added more pictures of the little angel
Something Worth Leaving Behind
When I first heard Lee Ann Womack's song, "
Something Worth Leaving Behind" I was bugged. All I heard were references to Elvis, Mona Lisa, blah blah blah. But after hearing it a few times, these lines bring tears to my eyes every time:
I may not go down in history,
I just want someone to remember me.
I'll probably never dream a dream and watch it turn to gold,
I know I'll never lose my life to save another soul.
But if I will love, then I will find,
I have touched another life, and that's something...
Something worth leaving behind...
Hey baby, see the future that we're building,
Our love lives on, in the lives of our children.
And that's something Something worth leaving behind
.mac II
The are sending me home with a brand-spankin new keyboard! I'm so happy that this was worth the drive.
Since I haven't been able to post, I have so much to write:
- The last two nights, Gracie has taken a bath in her kiddie pool. Mother of the year, you know.
- We went to the beach the other day. It was so nice to get away from the 110 degree weather. Gracie had lots of fun. Played in the water & chased the birds. I'll post pics when I get home.
- Here at the mac store, I just discovered widgets. Pretty cool.
- I seriously considered using my mouse to cut & paste words to make a blog entry.
More later, I'm gonna go visit Randy at work. I'm just so glad to be back! xoxo
My bluetooth keyboard isn't working. Currently "fixing" it at the mac store in Northridge. More tonight (if it's working). xoxo
Bugs & Critters & Things
I can't sleep. Want to know why? I woke up this morning with an ant on my chin. Think about this for a moment: when was the last time you saw one, single ant? [I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere before, but I can't remember where or when.] Never. When I finally pried my eyes open, I came face to face with the whole colony two inches from my head on the window sill. Traumatic, but I'm an independent girl, so I got out the ant killer & sprinkled it all over those suckers. Feeling proud, I noticed later that they had left. Got rid of those buggers, feeling good!
It was a little premature. It turns out that the ants didn't leave, they were just building up an immunity to the poison. They're back & now smell like ant poison when you squish them - whoo hoo!
Of course, I didn't discover this until & went to drag my tired self to bed. Sprinkle more poison. Squish more ants & decide to look in garage for spray-on ant poison to kill those that crawl under the ledge.
Malia, you'll love this. I open the front door & come
this close to stepping on one of the largest alligator lizards I have ever seen. We have two that live on our porch & constantly threaten to invade. Quickly close front door with a gasp (didn't know I had it in me).
While looking in the garage, I almost ran into a huge spider (another gasp) dangling from it's web in the exact middle of the garage. Came so close to it, that it actually was scurrying up it's web to get out of the way.
If you need me, I'll be hiding out in the car. Only, I can't decide whether to have the lights on or off: with them on, you can see the critters before they attack you, but the lights on tends to attract more pesties. Ahh, it
is good to be back in Leona Valley. xoxo
Finally Friday
Thanks to all of the suggestions, here's the plan for the weekend:
Friday - Gym.
- Family Nap Time (more on that later).
- Furniture shop for the new house (haven't even broken ground yet!).
- Stop in & see mom.
- Dinner. I'm thinking salmon, broccoli, mashed potatoes & grilled apricots (apricots vs. ape-rocots, you decide). Just me & my girl Gracie.
Saturday - Gym (maybe).
- Pick apricots.
- Visit with dad & show him how to make apricot jam.
- Free Tracy Lawrence concert at the park.
Sunday - Church
- Drive down to visit the boys at work with Linnea & Kimi & the kids.
I also have a "to do" list going, just in case. Not too exciting, but it'll do. xoxo
Randy's been working a 72 (hours, that is) for the last three days. He's coming home tomorrow morning, then working another 72. It's usually no big deal, but these last few days I've been missing him lots.
I usually miss him less when I have lots of things planned. Since he'll be working Friday, Saturday, Sunday (home Monday a.m.), does anyone have any suggestions to help keep me busy? If you say clean the house or something like that, I may barf. That's what I'm doing today. Cleaning, that is.
Ok, the pity party is over. Thanks for your time. xoxo
In case you ever wanted to speak Gracie:
- Tractor: Drac-duh! Always shouted with pure excitement.
- No: no-no-no-no
- Milk: moo (see also more, juice, water, & cow)
- Juice: moo or juu
- Water: moo or wa wa
- More: moo
- Horse: ah-oah! Also shouted with excitement.
- Back: bak (meaning I/he/she will be back, or put it back)
- Snack: nack
- Love you: la-lu
- Airplane: mooh! (meaning moon)
- Kitty: hiss
- Baby: b-b
- Bug: buh-uh
- Bad Dog: Bam bo. Said while nodding in agreement.
- Boat: bow
- Duck: qua-quack
- Cow: moo or caw
- Eskimo Kiss: nos (meaning nose)
- Mouth: mow
- Eyes: eye
- Ears: ear-ah
- Swing: swee
Organized by frequency of use.
Bolded syllables are accented.
My Job

Another tough day of hittin' the gym in the a.m., followed by hanging out in the pool with the kids at Kimi's. I've got it rough.
Randy says that when he comes back, it's his turn to be the fireman's wife. I told him that's fine, but I don't think I'll do as well as he does with the handball, huge meals & "hero image." Plus, I can't stand the way he does laundry. xoxo
Team America: World Police
We watched
Team America: World Police the other night. Started out the movie thinking: I can't believe they made a whole movie with puppets. After watching it though, I'm partly disgusted & partly impressed. The movie was probably one of the raunchiest (ie. the sex scene) I've ever seen - and it was all in puppetry! Some clever parts:
- Anything having to do with Kim Jong Il ("I'm So Ronely")
- The F.A.G. (Film Actor's Guild)
- The way T.A. blows everything up (the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Pyramids, etc.) & thinks it's a good thing
- Hot dog eating, self-blowing up Michael Moore
- When Hans "Bricks" told Kim Jong Il that if he doesn't let him inspect the entire palace, then the U.N. will be very upset & send him a letter telling him so.
- The movie's ability to make fun of just about everyone & everything.
I don't necessarily recommend that you see Team America, but I'm sure you'll go through a complete range of emotions if you do. xoxo
I've decided to give the potty training a break for a few weeks. Mainly because I'm exhausted & because she had two accidents and peed on the floor before 10am this morning. She's only 17 months old, so a few weeks might be what she needs. In the mean time,
here's some of the latest Gracie pics. I'll be adding to it periodically. xoxo
ps - If you haven't, please read
Janet's comment on yesterday's post, quite clever!
The Royal Potty
Gracie got a big girl potty today. Not just any potty, but the
Fisher Price Royal Potty. Yes, for only three dollars more, you can get a potty that plays music every time your child sits down, and "a royal fanfare for each success!" After setting up the Royal Potty, Gracie promptly spent thirty minutes with her head in the toilet checking out this musical gadget. Good, clean fun!
The Royal Potty also comes with a book for your child to read while "on the pot." It's called (I'm not joking)
A Throne of Their Own. The story is so absolutely fantastic, that I have to plagiarize (full credit given to Fisher-Price) the story, so that you can enjoy it too:
There once was a Prince and Princess
in search of a Royal Throne.
It had to be very special for them to call it their own.
All throughout the kingdom,
they searched far and wide.
Saw many thrones along the way,
but they just could not decide.
Until one day to the palace door,
a Wizard came along. . .
with a throne they'd never seen before.
It played a royal song!
The Prince and Princess were curious.
They said to the Wizard, "But how?"
"What magic makes it play a tune?
Please Wizard, show us now!"
"The magic is yours," The Wizard said.
"All you need to do
is sit on the throne and go potty,
to make it play just for you!"
"Oh Boy!" said the Princess.
"Oh Joy!" said the Prince.
"This is truly it. A Royal Throne we'll call our own!"
"Upon it we shall s[h]it." *Does anyone else think it's funny that they deal with a
wizard? Or have I already had too much potty training on the brain?
That aside, I'd love any potty training suggestions. Here's the day's final score:
Panties: 2
Potty: Lots
Not counting naps, of course. xoxo
He's hitting Milan runways next

Randy's fashion sense on vacation was in full force. Please note the lovely socks n' sandals that he wore out one night. He also got a really cute (i.e. manly) pair of board shorts. The only problem was that they were a little big & his crack was hanging out the whole time, and not just a little crack - a lot. Then there were the blue & white board shorts. Let's just say that they just shouldn't sell swim trunks with any white over any area that you don't want made public.
I think that just about says it all.
To make up for teasing him about his ggrreat fashion sense, I should note:
I had a great time with him on vacation. I love that he's such a great, genuinely nice guy & yet a real-change tires-build houses-fireman-kinda man at the same time. I was reminded how truly lucky I am. Ok, you can all go barf at my sappiness now. xoxo
Panties: 2
Potty: lots
Not counting nap time, which I don't.
My favorite line uttered in Laughlin
Kimi (stay at home goddess) shouts to her husband as he's about to jump off a very high cliff into the water, "I'm not working, Dear!"
I love that girl. xoxo
#1 & #2
To you non-mommas this may not be too exciting, but for me
this is news! Gracie just went #1 & #2 in the big girl potty. Whoo Hoo! We've gone almost a whole hour without any accidents. I'm so proud. xoxo
Edit: Turns out Gracie has the runs. Not so much fun for potty training. As of the end of the first day, here's the stats:
Potty: 5 -
#1's &
1 -
Panties: 1 -
#1's &
2 -
Fascinating, I know. xoxo
All Hail the Porcelain god
Yesterday in the pool, Gracie actually got halfway out to pee. She has shown every indication that she is ready to be potty trained, minus the energy & motivation I need to do it (she also loves to take her diaper off before leaving us "presents" outside). She's only 17mos, but Randy & I were both well acquainted with the porcelain god by the time we were 18mos. So last night I decided that today would be the day.
Here's how my morning went:
- Up at 4:45 (she heard a rumor that too much sleep can kill you - she's not taking any chances).
- To the gym by 8am.
- Great workout, feeling positive.
- To Target to get pretty Dora the Explorer panties, plastic lined panties, absorbent panties, & pull-ups. It was an event, I tell you.
- Target didn't have the plastic lined panties.
- Didn't buy anything, headed for Wal-Mart.
- Wal-Mart had the plastic lined panties & the Dora the Explorer panties, but nothing else.
- Selected the above plus blue absorbent panties.
- Dragged screaming kid around while employee searched for pink absorbent panties (which they have at Target, but not Wal-Mart).
- Picked up a box of cookies on the way to the register.
- Shared all of said cookies with screaming child in the car on the way home. So glad I worked out this morning.
We'll start official potty training after her nap. She'll be spending the day outside, in case of imminent accidents. Keep your fingers crossed! xoxo
More Laughlin stories soon. Kristal sent me her pics. You can see them all
Number of times a variation the word
panty appears on this blog: 8 and counting
- Had a rock-star of a time in Laughlin.
- Signed up for a typepad account.
- Only using it to host photos for now.
- You can see pics from our trip here.
- In order to procrastinate the unpacking process, I made apricot jam today. Yes, jam.
- Still haven't jumped the wake (damn it), but Kristal did.
- Was moderately nice to the 17, 19 & 20 year-old dates of Randy's 33+ year-old friends.
- Ashamed of myself for not being actually nice to those girls. They're nice girls. The 17 year-old minor just makes me nervous.
- Lost 20 bucks gambling.
- Wish I'd had more time & energy to do some serious gambling.
More to come on all this and more. Just too too tired for now. xoxo