everything nicole
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Happy Summer Solstice!

The above image was "stolen" from this really cool site (yes, I'm being a little geeky, but you can handle it).
Really nice explanation of today (different link from above).
Today, being the longest day of the year, I did do a few quality things:
- Went to the gym. Talked too much & worked out to little.
- Lunched with my Momma.
- Ate a wonderful piece of strawberry pie.
- Played with My Girl Gracie at the playground.
- Hugged her for longer than necessary.
- Sat outside & enjoyed the evening.
- Came close to getting a $600,000 listing, which didn't but may still pan out.
- Took a bath.
The list
The ListCopy this whole list into your journal.
Bold the things that are true about you.
Whatever you don't bold is false.
1. I miss somebody right now
2. I don't watch much TV these days
3. I love olives
4. I love sleeping
5. I own lots of books
6. I wear glasses or contacts
7. I like to play video games.
8.I've tried marijuana.
9. I've watched porn movies.
10. I have been in a threesome.
11. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
12. I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
13. I like Sports.
14. I like and respect Al Sharpton.
15. I curse.
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
17. I have a hobby.
18. I've been told that I have an applebottom.
19. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
20. I'm pretty smart.
21. I've never broken someone's bones.
22. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
23. I love the rain.
24. I'm paranoid at times.
25. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
26. I need money right now.
27. I love Sushi.
28. I talk really, really fast.
29. I have fresh breath that won't kill someone in the morning.
30. I have long hair.
31. I have lost money in Las Vegas.
32. I have at least one brother and/or one sister.
33. I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
34. I shave my legs (females) or face (males) on a regular basis.
35. I have a twin
36. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
37. I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
38. I like the way that I look.
39. I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
40. I know how to cornrow.
41. I am usually never pessimistic.
42. I have a lot of mood swings.
43. I think prostitution should be legalized.
44. At one point I liked Britney Spears.
45. I have cheated on a significant other in the past.
46. I have a hidden talent.
47. I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
48. I think that I'm popular.
50. I have kissed someone of the same sex.
51. I enjoy talking on the phone.
52. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
53. I like to shop.
54. I would rather shop than eat.
55. I would classify myself as ghetto.
56. I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
57. I'm obsessed with livejournal (well blogger anyway).
58. I don't hate anyone. I dislike them.
59. I'm a pretty good/amazing dancer.
60. I don't think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington.
61. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
62. I have a cell phone.
63. I believe in God.
64. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
65. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
66. I love drama.
67. I have never been in a real relationship before.
68. I've rejected someone before.
69. I currently have a crush on someone.
70. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
71. I want to have children in the future.
72. I have changed a diaper before.
73. I've called the cops on a friend before.
74. I bite my nails.
75. I am a member of the Tom Green fan club.
76. I'm not allergic to anything important.
77. I have a lot to learn.
78. I have dated someone at least 5 years older.
79. I plan on seeing the new movie "House of Wax" featuring Paris Hilton and Chad Michael Murray.
80. I am shy around the opposite sex sometimes.
81. I'm online 24/7, even as an away message.
82. I have at least 5 away messages saved.
83. I have tried alcohol before.
84. I have made a move on a friend's significant other in the past.
85. I own the "South Park" movie.
86. I have avoided assignments at work to update my journal.
87. When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbor or chum.
88. I enjoy some country music.
89. I would die for my best friend.
90. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
91. I watch soap operas whenever I can.
93. I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
94. I like Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
95. I know all the words to Slick Rick's "Children's Story".
96. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
97. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I love it.
99. I have hurt my self intentionally before.
100. I am tired at this moment.
Thank you Malia for the list! xoxo
Monday, June 20, 2005
My Very First Written Interview
1. What is something that makes you laugh uncontrollably?Sometimes life in general. More specifically, my girl Gracie & any corny TV show with a laugh track.
2. What books are on your "To Read" list?
Check out my wish list @ amazon.com.
3. What's under your bed?
A tupperware filled diaper changing items: diapers, wipes, Boudreaux's butt paste. Can't wait to potty train!
4. Undoubtedly, you have taught Gracie many things in the past year and a half. What is something she has taught you?
She has taught me to love bigger than I ever thought possible. And less sappily - PATIENCE! I thought I had learned patience from my teenage students, but they are no comparison for "The Slowest Man Alive" & his daughter.
5. If you owned a restaurant, what would you serve?
I love to experiment with Italian food & I love to bake, so maybe I'd do some kind of Italian Bistro/Bakery. With fun pastas, salads, pastries and lots & lots of non-Italian Creme Brulee!
Thank you to Janet for the questions!
The Official Interview Game Rules
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
More proof that I am, in fact Mother of the Year
If you think I'm crazy after that last post, I understand. If not, feel free to leave a comment to let me know that I'm not a total nut.I was all ready to talk about the sanctity of daddyhood today & what an impact fathers have on their daughters (Dad, I love you!!!). But then we briefly stopped by Nessa's house. I don't get to see Kristal nearly as much as I'd like to, since she lives in Vegas, but she makes a few trips back to town.
Anyway, we're all visiting in the backyard. Gracie makes a bee=line for the pool. I follow her. She sits down & dangles her feet. She backs in & stands on the step. She gets back out & splashes her feet in the water again. I think, ok, she respects the water & I'm here with two firefighters & a P.A. We're in good hands. [Do you see where this is going?] I go back to chatting with the Nessas while Gracie plays on the swim step fifteen feet away.
Surprise, surprise - she jumped in. Floated face down in the water for the longest 10 seconds of my life. Kristal & I both raced over & grabbed her heals. No harm done. It scared Gracie a little, but 30 seconds later, she was giggling as usual. Although that was one of the scariest moments of my life, I think it was good for her (except for the swallowing water part). After her "swim," she was done with the pool for the night. Stayed far away. Life vests will now be worn 24-7 while in Laughlin. I am so far ahead in this Mother of the Year Contest, the competition has gone home.
Oh yeah (how could I forget?) - as if it wasn't enough, Gracie then proceeded to take off her diaper & leave a little "treat" for the Nessas on their porch. They can't wait for us to come back. xoxo
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Went to my oldest (as in a long time, not age) friend's graduation party today. I've known Wendy since I was 4 years old. She is amazing. Got a perfect score on the math part of her SATs. She did her undergrad at USC & just finished her MBA at UCLA. I love to brag about knowing someone so amazing.Wendy's awesomeness is not the point today. Today I almost did something completely out of character. There is no explanation for the actions I almost took. Wendy has a bunch of hoity-toity USC sorority sisters (of which, I have no idea how she fit in with them, except that she's amazing). Let it be noted that I was also a sorority girl, but the Cal-State kind, which is way more middle class.
Okay, so here's what happened: At the party, I went to the bathroom and noticed an adorable must-have pair of dita sunglasses. I had noticed them on one of these sorority girls earlier. I couldn't help but try them on. They looked perfect on me. And here's what I did: I purposely didn't tell the girl she'd left them in the bathroom in hopes that she'd leave them at the party. I knew I never would have had the gall to actually take them, but let me tell you I wanted them. A lot. She later remembered them. But seriously, WHAT WAS I THINKING???
No one knew this thought had entered my mind, but all the way home I couldn't help but feel sinkingly guilty (or was it regret?). I'm not sure why I'm sharing this, except that I need to share my guilt, and I'm hoping that you won't think I'm terrible for this crime I almost thought about committing.
Wendy, if you read this, you have to promise me never to mention it to anyone, for fear that I'll turn bright red & never be able to look you in the face again. Reader, you should know that Wendy is totally down to earth & would probably make me feel like it was a perfectly normal thought (like I said, amazing). She's moving to Arizona & I'm gonna miss her so so much. xoxo
ps - Maybe I'll take up a sunglasses collection fund? What do you think? You're right, I probably don't deserve them (sniff sniff).
Friday, June 17, 2005
Yum yum
I've decided that My Girl Gracie may have some eating "issues." Today, I caught her eating dirt (again, I'm up for Mother of the Year). When I told her that it's yucky & "eew," she said something along the lines of uummm. The same sound she makes for ice cream & Pepsi. She even ground it between her teeth. I've been trying to tell myself that this is something every kid does - that's kinda true, don't you think?Then the other day when we we're driving in the car & she was chewing on her fingers as usual, when I heard her choking. I looked back to see what was lodged in her throat, only to see her entire hand jammed into her mouth. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. Her open mouth was smiling and giggling. She was gagging herself. Gee, I'm so proud.
If it wasn't for the cute chubby cheeks & rolls, I'd worry. xoxo
Thursday, June 16, 2005
We're Baaack! II
Back from the lake. Had lots of fun. I am this close to jumping the wake (I've been saying that for a year now). I think I'll be able to get it next time, we'll see. The last ride I took was probably the best ride of my life (or at least in a long time). The water was perfect & I had just so much fun! I love that.Gracie didn't ski this time, but she loved to sit on the swim step & splash in the water. Screamed when we had to take her out. Did I mention that at one point I referred to her as the spawn of satan? Randy said I shouldn't say things like that because she "soaks it all up," but I think it's just because it implies that he's the devil.
We had lots of kids on this trip: Gracie, Kayla, Riley, Tyler (7 weeks old), four of John's nieces & nephews and Mike's girlfriend (whom I love, even if he is 16 years her senior).
Speaking of little beings, there were a bazillion bugs on this trip. I came home with spider bites, fly bites, ant bites & mosquito bites. Bugs bite. But I guess that means we played hard & had a good trip.
Next stop - Laughlin, NV for Lake Mojave, wakeboarding, & a little gambling. We're staying in a hotel (rather than camping) and bringing a babysitter. I am so looking forward to this trip. Our boat is scheduled to be packed with Broesels, Nessa, Muellers, Romero, the babysitter & her friend, and maybe Rus & Joy. As usual we can always fit one (or five) more, so anyone who can come is more than welcome.
It is good to be home. xoxo
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Meet my new nemesis: sap. That's right, sap. There is a beautiful old pine tree in our backyard that constantly drips sap all over everything. We have sap on our shoes, sap on our floors, sap on the dog - pretty much everywhere. It's enough to make a mamma crazy! But, I have found sap's kryptonite: WD-40. My new best friend (as stinky as it is).
We're off to Buena Vista for more camping & wakeboarding today. We'll be back Wednesday. As usual, anyone in the area is welcome to come up (read: Janet, Will, Katie, CBD, Mom, Dad, etc.?) xoxo
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Cherry Parade
Went to the Cherry Parade today in Leona Valley. So much fun. Saw lots of old friends. I never really enjoyed the parade before, I always thought it was kinda hokey (it is). But it was so much fun (did I say that already?) with Gracie. She waved at the pretty queens and ooh'ed & ah'ed at the floats. It was quite the affair. Just goes to show that sometimes it is good to go back to where you came from. Especially if you've gone out & done things with your life & have a cute baby Grace to show off. (Wow - that may sound a little proud, but I guess it is my blog!)
Aren't we the picture of hokey-oakey-ness? xoxo
ps - Shout out to HB(R) & hubby. I'm so honored to know that you both are visiting me here. It was so nice to see you this weekend. Holla back.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Kimi & the kids came over for dinner tonight. It's become a ritual for us: when the boys are working, we do dinner (I think the guys are kinda jealous that we see each other more than we see them sometimes). Along with dinner, we usually have to throw the kids in the bath. I may have mentioned that they sometimes get a little promiscuious & love to pass out kisses in the tub. Kimi & I think it's adorable. Randy hates it (he's such a good daddy).You should know that Gracie & Riley have an arranged marriage. We've decided we'll make great inlaws & he's adorable, so we approve. For all of you protective friends, family members, etc. here's his spec's:
Riley Dane Broesel
Born: September, 2003
Blond hair, Green eyes
Hobbies: Crackers, dancing, swimming, hanging at the lake, mowing the lawn, and showing off his big sexy belly.
Grandpa Bill says he approves, as long as Riley gets a good job. Randy is going to be highly disturbed (rightly so?) by this post. Aren't they a match made in heaven? xoxo

Gracie's kissy face, finally caught on film!

Going in for a smacker.

Thursday, June 09, 2005
In case you're wondering, here's what I imagine my own personal hell would be like:Between 1:00 & 3:00am in the morning (after a glass of wine, so I'm extra sleepy):
Then finally falls asleep: Thump.
Immediately followed by Randy snoring: SNORT! Snnnoooorrre.
Snoring wakes baby two seconds later: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Repeat several times.
Randy actually got a pillow to the head last night. Good thing I love those two so much. xoxo
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I'm On My Way
I took my real estate exam a few weeks ago. I didn't tell anyone, because I didn't study & thought I'd failed miserably. Turns out - I passed! Now I've gotta apply for my license & get a few clients. Know anyone who wants to buy/sell a home, just for the fun of it? I'm your girl. xoxoMonday, June 06, 2005
We're Baaack!
Had a great time at the wedding. I cried during the ceremony when the mothers of the bride & groom returned from lighting the unity candle holding hands. They're going to share grandchildren some day - how cool. The reception was held at a beautiful vineyard. Great party.It's funny how with each wedding I attend, I think about my wedding. I always find something I wish I would've included in our wedding (although ours was perfect).
The pastor made a point of talking about the tradition and chivalry of marriage. I love all of that - so romantic. He also told them to keep dating even after they're married, to continue doing the things they did when they were dating. That'll be my goal for the week. Randy could use a few more surprise love letters & yellow cake.
Here's the photos:

The beautiful bride. This comes nowhere near doing her justice.

Dancing Queen. Please notice the squatting & buns pushed out. What this picture doesn't show is her bouncing up and down to the music with her arms pushed out behind her (like the chicken dance). Man - is she a white girl.

She eventually turns to breakdancing - spinning on her head included. Laughed so hard I was crying. xoxo
ps - Haven't talked to my dad (anonymous) in forever. I've been the worst daughter ever about returning phone calls. I have no excuses, just a harried life lately. Maybe if I mention this in my blog, he'll understand. Love you, dad.
Friday, June 03, 2005
We're now in Fresno for Katie's wedding. Hanging with the girls for the "Bridesmaid's Breakfast." Katie's dress in beautiful. Party'n tomorrow night. Have a great weekend. Pics to come. xoxoWednesday, June 01, 2005
Even more rubbish
Slept in 'til six forty-five this morning, so now I'm fully recovered from the Lack of Sleep experiment Gracie was performing on me.Try this one on for size: one of the highlights of my day was that my much anticipated trash can arrived by UPS. The exciting part was that I was able to put it together all by myself (only had to fix one mistake) with a toddler dancing on the parts & trying to eat the screws. It was way more involved than you'd think: It came in a flat box, and the trash can is definitely not flat - lots of assembly required.
Can you believe I've now had two entries about a trash can? Maybe I'll make this a trend. Future articles could include "The Joys of Recycling" and "Things People Throw Away." Ok, maybe that's a bad idea.
One final thing about trash: When I've finished changing her, Gracie now throws her diaper in the trash - pretty cute! xoxo
Isn't she lovely

Here's my girl hanging from her own personal jungle gym/hand rail. Yes, I'm scared to death that she's going to fall & crack her skull. She's having so much fun, I couldn't think of putting a stop to it for safety's sake. She's wearing her get dirty shoes, which is why they don't match & her hair isn't done.

With an expression like that, she's going to be a pro-athlete, right?