We're Baaack!
Had a great time at the wedding. I cried during the ceremony when the mothers of the bride & groom returned from lighting the unity candle holding hands. They're going to share grandchildren some day - how cool. The reception was held at a beautiful vineyard. Great party.It's funny how with each wedding I attend, I think about my wedding. I always find something I wish I would've included in our wedding (although ours was perfect).
The pastor made a point of talking about the tradition and chivalry of marriage. I love all of that - so romantic. He also told them to keep dating even after they're married, to continue doing the things they did when they were dating. That'll be my goal for the week. Randy could use a few more surprise love letters & yellow cake.
Here's the photos:

The beautiful bride. This comes nowhere near doing her justice.

Dancing Queen. Please notice the squatting & buns pushed out. What this picture doesn't show is her bouncing up and down to the music with her arms pushed out behind her (like the chicken dance). Man - is she a white girl.

She eventually turns to breakdancing - spinning on her head included. Laughed so hard I was crying. xoxo
ps - Haven't talked to my dad (anonymous) in forever. I've been the worst daughter ever about returning phone calls. I have no excuses, just a harried life lately. Maybe if I mention this in my blog, he'll understand. Love you, dad.
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