Blogging Boycott
Randy told me tonight that he's thinking of boycotting the blog. Because
every time he appears in the blog,
he says I'm making fun of him.
I asked him how I learned to be so good at making fun? He replied, "From the best [Randy], of course. I just want
the donkey removed."
Edit: While discussing this, Randy just asked, "Can't you just blog that I'm the smartest man you've ever known?" Followed later by (while reading this), "You stink." xoxo
I don't know if you've noticed (how could you not), but I have a tendency to sign each entry with an
xoxo. I also sign many emails & comments to other blogs this same way. I have two reasons for doing this:
- I figure that if I sign something with a pleasant xoxo, then there is no way what I've written can be thought of in a negative way.
- I know it bugs the crap out of some people, being so cutesy. Probably about the same way I feel about i's dotted with hearts. That is my main motivation.
Hi-ho Hi-ho. . .
Did I tell you I've gone back to work? I've decided that although real estate is a great tax write-off, it is just no fun. This morning, I am getting ready for my second day substitute teaching at the very same elementary school that I went to. It is also the same school that GracieGirl will probably go to.
It's seriously different than the other schools I've taught. One of the teachers was shocked when a parent was late picking their kid up from school. She really has no idea. xoxo
Fabulous Friends & Family
I had a really nice holiday weekend. Got to see lots of out-of-town friends & family.
- Thursday: Great diner with the family where I drank a little too much wine & announced to the dinner table that I'd like to get my tubes tied. "Oh, no, um I was just kidding." seems to peel people of the walls after that apparently horrid remark. (Heather - I'm so missing you right now!)
- Friday a.m: Kristal kicked my butt at the gym. It was so very obvious that she's running a marathon next weekend & I am not.
- Friday p.m: GracieGirl & I went to Wendy's house & spent the night. So nice to see Wendy & catch up.
- Saturday: A very small amount of Christmas shopping & decorating.
- Sunday: Pumpkin pancakes in the morning. Dinner at my Uncle Jim's in the evening (He calls Gracie - Gracie James).
With the end of Thanksgiving weekend comes the end of Nicole's Birth Month. Followed appropriately by the birth of Christ. xoxo
You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too--yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party.
I would like you to dance--Birthday
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance-Birthday
I would like you to dance--Birthday
You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too--yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Let the Festivities Begin
It's my Birthweek! In true Chanukah style, I've already received presents on the first day of The Celebration. Thank you
Randy &
Dad! xoxo

GracieGirl made fingerpaint turkeys today for Thanksgiving. I'm pleasantly surprised that they are half-recognizable! The fingerpainting was a mess, but SO worth it. xoxo
Randy got XM Radio put in his truck today. He's been working a lot lately & gets almost no radio reception on the way to work.
He was on the phone getting the XM hooked up, when I heard him say, "Yes that's right: R-A-N-D-E-L." I quietly tried to correct him:
isn't it r-a-n-d-a-l-l? He waved me off & repeated the spelling of his name for the lady on the phone: R-A-N-D-E-L. When I gave him a questioning look, he got out his driver's liscence. Oh crap, I'm thinking, I've been spelling his name wrong for ten years now.
Turns out, I'm not the one with the spelling problem. My brainiac husband spelled his own name wrong. This shouldn't be a surprise, seeing as he once wrote on a card to me, "You are my angle." Totally appropriate for a math teacher. xoxo
ps - Please know that although he's not much of a speller, he
is a total brainiac & the one I always go to with "how come. . ." questions.
Yes, I Know I Really Do Watch Too Much TV
I love TiVo. No, I really love TiVo. So much, in fact that I've come to expect all of the niceties of TiVo to be present in real life.
Listening to talk radio (my favorite) & miss something? I'm instantly looking for the instant replay button.
Having an important conversation & later think of something snappy to say? Rewind, please.
Out at lunch & my cell phone rings? Wait one minute. Let me pause this.
They say that once you've tried TiVo, real television just isn't as good. Now if I could just pause the real life version so that I could sleep in one of these days. xoxo
Just a Few Minutes, Please
"Mommy, knocka!"
"Just a minute, Baby. I'm in the shower."
"Mommy, knaw knaw!"
"One minute, Gracie. Mommy's in the bathroom."
I will not feel guilty for planting my kid in front of the TV while I do the things most people do without having to lock the bathroom door.
I will not. Will not. Will not. xoxo

Had some friends & their kids over for a
Girl's Night In. Picture this: Me, Kimi, Karley, Trisha and all of our kids (Kayla, Riley, Troy, Kennadee & Tavie) all piled into my tiny 700 square-foot-one-bedroom house. It was chaos. Pure chaos, but so much fun. You can click on the pictures to see more of the craziness.
One thing that was productive for me that evening: It has been confirmed that I have no fashion sense. First was the shoes. I pulled out some white tennies that are a few years old, but still kinda cute. "Hey, are these still in style?" Pure silence. Followed by laughter and some very serious, "No, Nicole. No. No. No."
Then I tried on the dress I'm wearing to Randy's station's Christmas party. The girls approved the dress. I then said I was thinking about wearing it with some leopard print shoes [I've seen this in the
JCrew catalogue, so I
know it would look good]. Apparently, that was a fashion fo paw as well. Moral of the story: Don't ever ever ever let Nicole shop alone. xoxo
ps - I also
love love love these & don't care if they're not as adorable as I think!
The Day in Which My Mother Should be Honored, But I'll Celebrate Anyway
November is the month of my birth. Since there are only 14 shopping days until my birthweek (I do celebrate the entire week, you know), I've made a very small "wish list" of
Great Gifts For Nicole. Included in the lists are things like Monopoly, the ipod Nano, a riding lawnmover, and some over-the-top jewelry.
Disclaimer: This is not a solicitation for gifts, just a fun way for you to see some material things that make me smile. (Unless your name is Randy. Then you should definitely check out the jewelry.) xoxo
Yesterday, while pushing GracieGirl in the stroller, we came across a terrible smell. Just as we began discussing the stinkiness, Gracie blurted out, "Uh-oh, Daddy poot!" xoxo
Simply Bootiful

Halloween was fabulous, right up until GracieGirl was put to bed screaming from the pain of a sugar-hangover. She was the cutest bumble bee alive. You can see the pictures from our Halloween Adventures
here. Please take special note of all the chocolate stuffed in her mouth in just about every. single. picture.
Sorry the blogging has been lacking lately. More to come soon! xoxo