Saturday, January 28, 2006

As We Finish Packing. . .

. . .my heart is slowly breaking, knowing that I'll be away from my GracieGirl for a whole week. xoxo

Kindergarten Not

It takes a special kind of person to teach kindergarten. I am definitely not that kind of person. So not. xoxo
ps - Happy Birthday, Dad!
ps - We're leaving for our cruise today, be back next week. I'll try to post!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Few Things

  • We're leaving for our cruise on Saturday.
  • I've been called the E.O.F. If you know what that is (& you/your spouse don't work with Randy), I'll send you a dollar.
  • Tomorrow will be my third day subbing this week, which is three too many.
  • It hit me tonight - I'm gonna miss my girl Gracie so so so very much.
  • Firemen are great cooks.
  • I'm teaching a kindergarten class tomorrow, which is slightly scary to me.
  • We had our tax appointment today, which always stresses us out.
  • Our new furniture was delivered today, also stressful, but very exciting.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Oh Yeah!

Did I mention that we're going on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera for our 6th anniversary? Did I mention that we're leaving GracieGirl with my inlaws for a week? And that I can't wait to sleep in as long as I want for a whole week? And that two days after we get back we're throwing Gracie her second birthday party? xoxo

Monday, January 23, 2006


Today I subbed for a sixth grade class. In true sixth-grader fashion, the boys were trying to shock me. I had to laugh out loud when Harrison said to me, "I went to Las Vegas last week. Have you ever heard of the Chipmunks? You know, the strippers?"
Oh yeah, Alvin, Simon, Theodore - they're so hot. xoxo

Thursday, January 19, 2006

We're One of Those Gross Couples Who Share EVERYTHING

Since Randy works (and shares a shower with) a bunch of men, it's no surprise that he has athletes foot. But when he brings it home to me, that's another story. While bleaching our shower, I was complaining to him about the itchy feet he's caused me when he put it all in perspective: "Some men bring home VD to their wives, you got athletes foot. You got the better end of the deal." I'm pretty sure some men bring flowers home, rather than fungus. xoxo

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


It is a big day in the Land of Everything Nicole. Thanks to my Dear Old Dad (aka anonymous), you can now reach me at From there you will be redirected here.
While you are waiting to be sent to my blog you will see a series of four pictures. These are not some of my favorite pictures (one is of Randy, Gracie & me hours after I gave birth). But as they were put there by my dad who probably thinks they're all lovely (being a dad and all) they'll stay for a while.
Unfortunately, the look of my site is not changing at all. I would desperately like to personalize my blah-g, but I just don't have the time to go through it all right now. In other words, I need help (hint, hint)!!!! xoxo

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Have you met Super GracieGirl? She also likes to call herself Stooper Grace! I am also known as Super Mama, able to do laundry in a single bound. xoxo

Easy Money

I'm subbing today. Only, I'm not really subbing. I'm a roving sub which means that I'm filling in for teachers while they go to a 20 minute meeting. I have five classes I have to "teach." This adds up to 100 minutes of actual work. I'm getting paid about a dollar a minute for babysitting today! How fun is this!?! xoxo

Monday, January 16, 2006


I've had to spank GracieGirl four times now, and each time my heart breaks & I cry (real tears). Now, I do realize that spanking is un-P.C. & all, but I will not raise a child who doesn't know that there are consequences to her actions. Besides, Randy says that the police will warn you twice before they shoot you, so a spanking is just readying her for the real world.
I do warn her lots before I smack her cute little bottom (Gracie, I really mean it this time, do that again & you're getting a spanking). Her little mouth turns down & her eyes start to water. She cries for a few minutes & then moves on to some cool toy she has. Me, on the other hand, feel the need to cry & write about it FIVE HOURS LATER. xoxo

UPDATE: In all of my well-spent time this morning, I made a scarf & hat for my cousin & finished a hat for Randy. xoxo

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Happy De-lurking Week

Thank you, paper napkin! xoxo

He Got What He Asked For

When Randy is gone at work for a few days in a row, Gracie always acts mad at him once he gets home. Before she finally warms up to him, she'll sit next to him on the couch & say, "Excuse me please!" while trying to push him off the couch. She'll also randomly point her finger at him and say, "No Daddy! Nonononono!"
Today Randy got home from a 96 (hour shift). Randy tried to bribe a hug & kiss out of Gracie with popcorn. She looked at him, stuck her finger in her nose, pulled it out & with a snotty face went in for a smooch.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm the Jackass

who bragged about GracieGirl's successful pottying yesterday. She started off the morning going #1 & #2 in the potty. Then she peed on the floor & later pooped in her pants. Guess we didn't deserve that ice cream reward yesterday. xoxo

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

GracieGirl. . .

. . .went all day today in Big Girl Panties with no accidents!!!!!!! One of us totally deserves a prize, I'm just not sure if it's her or me. xoxo

Exciting for Me, Not So Much for You

We picked out our plumbing fixtures for the house the other day (which is funny, since we don't have foundation yet). I was trying to pick pieces that I would be happy with years from now.
Here's what we picked out:
Guest & Garage Bath Sinks

The Potty

Roman Tub Faucets

Shower Faucets

Master Bath Faucets

Kitchen Faucet - I wanted one with the spray-thingy on the side.

Island Sink

Everything including the Kitchen sink.

Some bathroom slate tile I like.
ps - Yes, "spray-thingy" is a technical term.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Uh Oh! Potty! Help!

We've been potty training GracieGirl again. She's been doing really well - big girl choanies & everything, except on long car rides. The other day we were driving to a party when Gracie said, "Poop!" I thought, good she's finally getting the hang of this.
I told her to try & hold it, to which she replied, "Holding!"
We continued driving in search for a potty when all of a sudden she cried, "Uh Oh! Potty! Help!"
Seems the poop got the better of her. xoxo

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Stay Outta My Way

Since I've had Gracie, I've become the worst driver around. When we bought my Pilot, I was a little disappointed because I wanted something super-snazzy-nice (read: Beemer, Acura, Lexus). Today, I am so glad I didn't get the super-snazzy-nice car, because I would have freaked out every time I curbed it (which happened again yesterday).
Just in the past two months I've hit orange lane markers, scraped the side on some branches & curbed it twice. You know I'm driving extra well when GracieGirl yells wheeee. I blame my crappy driving entirely on my daughter. She's so darn cute that I have to have the rear-view mirror positioned on her at all times. Honestly, It's all her fault. So if you see me on the road, turn around & run for cover. xoxo

Monday, January 02, 2006

Holiday/New Years Updates Coming Soon, but Not Now

My dad came with me & GracieGirl to get new cell phones today, because Gracie tore off the top half of mine. While talking to the salesman about plans, my dad mentioned that they might give a discount through his work, but I told him not to worry about it because they give a fireman discount.
I'm not sure which is funnier, that the salesguy thought my dad & I were a couple, or that he thought I was a fireman. xoxo