Some Like It Hot
Randy & I have one major dilemma. I'm usually cold and he's usually hot. It's the reason we have heated seats in both vehicles, why my car is cluttered with coats, and why he owns very few long sleeved shirts.
Said to me last night when I turned the heater on:
"It's the perfect temperature in here for domestic violence." xoxo
Dear Internet,
I've got nothing. This is a rare moment. Enjoy the silence.
Our House

Came home from the lake Thursday evening and this is what we saw. It may look like a disaster, but it actually means that we've broken ground! Our house-project is finally under way. Only another year or so until we move in! xoxo
You can see more photos
Last Hurrah
Good bye, dear Blogger. Leaving for the Lake. Be back Thursday-ish. xoxo
What A Difference A Day Makes
Everything is back to normal, as far as my computer goes. The first tech guy I talked to was the kind that just reads from their database & tells me what to do. After half an hour, he had completely confused himself & me, so he transferred me to the
real tech guy - the tech man. Who promptly walked me through the problem & had my mac back to normal within five minutes.
After I got off the phone, I then spent the night face to face with the potty. I'd like to blame it on the apple fiasco, but I think it's something I actually ate.
Feeling much better this evening & looking forward to the weekend:
Sugarland (free) concert tomorrow night & the last lake trip of the year Sunday. xoxo
If I Had Tourette's it Would Be in Full Swing
I'm currently on hold with Apple tech support. Everything on my mac has disappeared. It's like the computer is brand new, my settings are gone, my tunes are gone, and most importantly, my photos are gone. I do have the pictures backed up, though. Please pray that when my head explodes, there isn't too much of a mess for Randy to clean up. xoxo
As Mother of the Year, I try to get GracieGirl to eat her veggies & all that good stuff. But she now will only eat the good stuff: Purina. She's very good at sharing, though. One for her, one for the dog. One for her, one for the dog. Such a sweet girl.
She's also taken to barking every single time the dog barks, which is a lot. We own multiple "bark collars."
Who needs siblings when you have man's best friend? xoxo
Gracie's New Favorite Song
"Shay shay shay. Shay shay shay. Boobie. Boobie!"
[Shake shake shake. Shake shake shake. Shake your booty! Booty.
- KC & The Sunshine Band] xoxo
Ten on Tuesday:10 Weird Things About You
- I can't stand to touch the walls in a shower - even if it's my shower.
- I always, always have chapstick within arms reach.
- My toes are pretty long.
- I make my bed almost every day. Something I never used to do.
- I could eat a lot of string cheese in one sitting.
- I don't really like dogs, even my own.
- I love to floss my teeth. One of my first thoughts after having any kind of steak is generally, "I wish I had some floss."
- I blow my nose very loudly. My students used to think it was a joke.
- I get very crabby if I don't run or go to the gym in the morning.
- I hate going to the dentist so much that he now prescribes me valium before I go.
Randy's Favorite Part of the Zoo
Randy was sorely disappointed that I didn't mention the elephant's "fifth leg" in my blog about the zoo. I think he was permanently scarred. xoxo
Going To the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo
It was an absolutely beautiful Southern California day, so the three of us went to the
zoo. There weren't very many photo ops, but GracieGirl blew kisses to pretty much every animal, including the
Komodo Dragons.
My favorite part was Gracie singing the zoo song with me:
We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo
How 'bout you, you, you
You can come too, too, too.
We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo.
We also sang the
Jungle Book song when we saw the orangutan. xoxo
Photo Friday: Massive

Me & GracieGirl. Unbelievable.
A Snail's Pace
I often refer to Randy as "The Slowest Man Alive." He likes to take his time & hates to be rushed. It is one of his traits that drives me crazy, yet is endearing at the same time (usually).
So, I am not at all surprised to find that the fire station has a new pet named after him. Apparently, they now have a pet snail, who is red with a white stripe and the words F.F. Randy painted on one side. xoxo
Date Night
Randy, Gracie & I went to our first family movie the other night. For me, it was the first movie I'd seen in the theater since I was 8 months pregnant (more than two years ago). For GracieGirl, it was her very first movie ever.
Off to a good start, GracieGirl fell asleep on the drive to the theater. As I paid for our tickets, we laughed at the fact that we were not only paying $5.00 for a 18 month old, but a sleeping 18 month old (they start charging after the kid hits one year). We also paid $7.75 each to see
Valiant, a movie neither of us have heard of or were dying to see. So much for my great debut back into movies with some Oscar-winning film.
Halfway through the movie, Gracie awoke from her nap, sat on her daddy's lap, watched the movie for thirty seconds, then started wailing. As I took her outside, I was smiling at her crying over a cartoon. But then I started to think about it: If I woke up from a much needed nap & found myself in a large dark room with a bunch of gigantic pigeons covering an entire wall, I might cry too.
I went to the counter to ask for a refund. Surprisingly, they gave it to me. I think the screaming baby (who was charged the ticket price of child) convinced them. I'm not sure which was more funny: paying $20.50 to see a movie you don't want to see (for Gracie, who was sleeping), or getting the entire thing refunded.
Gracie continued to cry, so we decided to bribe her with ice cream (Mother of the Year). Turns out Gracie has a new philanthropy she enjoys. As we all sat outside & ate our ice cream (which cheered her up immensely), she walked around picking trash up off the ground, saying "traaassshh" & taking the nasty items to the trash can. I refuse to think about the nasty things she picked up. I figure if I don't think about it, maybe it didn't really happen. xoxo
Good, Clean Fun
Gave GracieGirl a bath in her kiddie pool this afternoon. This was not the first time. Thinking of changing the name of my blog to "Mother of the Year." xoxo
You may have noticed that I haven't mentioned the Gulf Coast tragedy. This is only because there are no words to describe how heavy it makes my heart. God bless those people in their time of need. And God bless the human condition, it sure does need it. xoxo
Fairly Good Time
We went to the fair last night. Randy bought me a beer. Me, being the Mother of the Year that I am spilled half of it all over Gracie's stroller. Now, I'm sure that whenever we take GracieGirl somewhere in the stroller, people will be thinking to themselves, "I wonder why that cute baby smells like beer?" and "No wonder she's such a happy baby." That's why she slept so well when I was nursing her, you know.
Apart from the beer spilling incident (I promise I'm not a lush), we had a pretty good time at the fair. I ran into way too many old friends and students - all of which I'm sure were wondering about the suspicious beer-smell. Gracie rode a camel & a horse. Each time smiling for the camera. That kid is a total ham. She calls a horsie a "uhh-uhuhh!" She patted the face of many "moo's" & "baa's" and even a pig for which she makes a grunting noise. She uses that grunting noise for just about any unexplained animal.
We also took Gracie on
one of the rides. It was a huge slide. We weren't sure if she'd like it or not, since she's been such a scaredy-cat lately. When she came off the slide, all she could say is, "Moooore!" "Moooore!"
The "uhh-uhuhh!" Ride

The Slide
Gracie & Randy are behind the guy in purple who got in my way. The Camel Ride with Kimi & the Kids
