everything nicole
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Monday, May 30, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Too much good stuff!
- Randy put up the cutest white picket fence for me today.
- Now I don't have to worry about my girl trying to play in the street.
- The engineer should be done with our plans within the next few weeks.
- Met with a contractor we loved.
- She's a woman.
- Not the butch kind.
- She suggested we put coffered ceilings in the kitchen, dining room & master bedroom.
- Added a 1/2 bath in the garage (Randy's excited).
- Broesel's party Friday.
- Katie's bachelorette party Saturday.
- Closed escrow yesterday.
- Actually quite comfy in the one bedroom cottage.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
There comes a time in the life of a blogger when one must set some rules. Let me start by saying that this did not come as a direct result of any one conversation. It's just something I've been thinking of for awhile. So, stop the paranoia.As a reader, you need to understand that this is a journal for me. Although it is online (which may cheapen it a bit), it is still a place for me to reflect and record my thoughts. Please feel privileged that you may read them.
That said, here's my rules:
- I shall not be held responsible for anything written here, by myself or anyone else. I want to be able to write whatever comes into my pretty little head, without the repercussions.
- I've said it before, and I'll say it again: If you don't like it, you know where you can go!
- I love comments, when they are posted on the blog or sent in an email.
- If you have something even slightly negative to say, don't. I don't need it.
- Use my blog to keep up to date on my life, but if we are friends please do not substitute it for actual contact. Relationships with people are so much richer than relationships with computers, don't you think?
- Sorry Jesse & Courtnye, but no minors. I don't want to have to censor for you young'ns (as much as I love ya!).
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Water Baby
Took Gracie swimming in the Behnke's spa this evening. She loved it. She likes to go under water. You teach babies to hold their breath by saying, "One, two, three," and then blowing in their face. Don't ask me why, but it works. She holds her breath and gets a fish face. Gracie was bouncing in the water, "Uhn, du, dee!" So so so cute.It's a saltwater spa (no chlorine), so I figured it's almost as good as a bath for the night. I'm such a good momma. xoxo
Monday, May 23, 2005
Friday, May 20, 2005

Today, I bought a trash can for $129.99. Before tax. When I first started looking for one, I couldn't believe that anyone would spend anything over $50.00 for a really nice trash can.
The problem is that now that we are in our cute little cottage, the only place for a trash can is right next to the fridge. Which makes it also right next to the kitchen table. And next to the back door (which we use a lot). And next to the bathroom door. And next to the living room. Basically, the trash can is going to have to be in the center of the house, so it had better be cute. This is the logic I used in succumbing to my consumer urges (for which Randy & I seem to be famous).
I now own something to hold my trash that cost enough to feed several starving children in Africa for a year. I may be going to hell. I think I'll start volunteering to even out the karma that's coming my way. xoxo
Thursday, May 19, 2005
hair doin'

This is one of my favorite pictures. The fake smile does no justice to the fact that it takes lots of squealing, crying and bribing to do her hair each morning. Randy doesn't like the ponytail, but he does like pigtails. I love them both!
We figured out the cause of the fever, which was repeated today. She has four molars coming in - before she even has her bottom eye teeth. Is this even possible? What did I do to deserve this? xoxo
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
swims with fever

So, my girl has a fever again. 102 degrees. In an attempt to cool her down, we filled her pool with water & let her go. The fever broke, and you can't tell, but she's covered in goosebumps and having the time of her life. xoxo
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
A while ago, Randy took Gracie Girl to Lowe's with him so that I could have some much needed time alone. Upon arriving, he realized that he had to go to the bathroom. He walks into the bathroom & does his business while holding Grace (he's talented, I know). A guy walks in and pulls up to the urinal next to R & G. While everyone is standing there peeing in silence, Gracie turns to the guy & says, "Hi!" Isn't she a social butterfly? xoxoMonday, May 16, 2005

Grace, Riley & Kayla Tubbin'
Here are the reasons that I love my friends who are mothers:
- You can always count on them.
- Poopy pants & baby talk stories.
- They love your kid, even if in general they don't like other people's kids very much.
- They have some of the best advice ever (such as: Dimetapp will really knock them out when you want them to sleep).
- Understanding. They just know.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Sorry it's been a whole week. The lake was awesome. Got to wakeboard everyday. I can almost jump the wake, but I've been saying that for years. We even got pictures of Randy holding Gracie while wakeboarding! They are on a friend's camera, so I'll post them soon.Had a great day today. Spent time with my dad & got a lot done around the house. We still have tons of boxes to unpack, but it's starting to feel like home.
Sunday's goal for the week: Prayer. Take the time to pray/meditate and focus my thoughts. xoxo

show me your teeth
Originally uploaded by everythingnicole.
Gracie's latest trick: Tell her to "show me your teeth," and this is what you you get. xoxo
Monday, May 09, 2005
Sunday (written Monday a.m.)
- Sunday's goal for the week: patience.
- We're still packing/unpacking.
- There were two birds in my kitchen this morning.
- We're leaving for Buena Vista Lake this afternoon, we'll be back Friday.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Reasons that I love my Friday a.m. yoga class:1. That after-yoga-feel-good-buzz.
2. The fact that, even when you're doing nothing, you're supposed to be doing something.
3. The breathing.
4. I'm my own competition. Only I know that I'm giving 100% or 10%.
5. It's hard! It builds strength, balance and flexibility all while kicking my butt.
I used to think that yoga was very . . .different, but I promise I'm no granola-eater, it's just been good for me. xoxo
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Last night, Randy and I planned on seeing Supersize Me. It would have been the first time I'd seen a movie in the theater since I was eight months pregnant.For those of you who don't know me very well, I'm a wiggler - meaning I can't sit still for very long without shifting and wiggling around a lot. Kinda like adult ADD, except there is no way I'd ever call it that. As a result, movies are not always fun for me, or Randy. Also, I feel like there are so many other ways I could spend my paid for time alone with my sweetheart.
Anyway, we were all set to go see the movie. Gracie was with the babysitter, we were dressed and fed and set to go. Until we got in the car. Once we started for our destination, I got a little anxious. If I haven't gone to see a movie in the past 17 months, why start now? And with this one? Supersize Me looked really good, but should it really be the first movie I see? I feel like I should wait for the "film of the year." I'm thinking maybe A Hitcher's Guide To the Galaxy. I don't know, but it should really be something fabulous. Any suggestions?
Monday, May 02, 2005
In the previous post, the italics and bolds are my very first HTML done by hand! I'm so excited!!! Yeah, yeah I'm so behind the times. xoxoStop - boobie time
Among the craziness that is my life these days, I've been weaning Gracie. Yes, I know it is past due, but it has been harder than I ever thougt it would be. If you're uncomfortable with the topic, just scan ahead to the "ps" and I'll see you next time. Believe me, I got past being embarassed a long time ago. I will try to keep this clean, though. My dad and some former students read my blog.I used to talk to other mammas about this when Gracie was a newborn. I remember thinking, "How hard can it be, by god, your kid is old enough! Get over it already." I'm telling you, if you've never been in this situation, you really have no idea. It goes far beyond common sense. There are hormones and instincts involved, I promise.
We were doing so well weaning. We went two whole days (yes, that is good!). She had a few moments of crying when she woke up from her naps, but she pretty much didn't care. I, on the other hand have been a wreck. Which has only been compounded by her nonchalant attitude. I was still hanging in there like a good momma, until last night. On top of the emotional pain I was in (which, logically, I know is ridiculous), I was in actual pain. Not such a good combination.
So here's how I rationalized it at 11:30pm last night: "Since she's sleeping, she won't remember it. Maybe she'll just think it was a nice dream!" "If we just do it every once in a while, it won't be a big deal." and, "No one has to know, really." Well, this morning, she did remember & was ready for a second helping. If we only did do it every once in a while, when exactly would we stop, when she goes away to school? You and I both know that Randy is going to ask, and I'm going to have to tell. Plus, I have to write about it here!
So here we are, starting again. 22 hours down, a lifetime to go! Please wish me luck - I need it! xoxo
ps - If all goes well, we are planning on moving our stuff out on Saturday, the 7th. Anyone who wants to help please just show up - You'll be my hero for the day!