Katie is coming to visit this weekend! We were in the sorority together, so of course I had to buy
this wine for the occasion. xoxo
Like A Bad Dream
Randy leaves for work at 4:30 in the morning. I'm usually barely conscience when he leaves. For some reason this morning, I actually woke up enough to hear GracieGirl wake up with him. Here's what I heard:
- Gracie wakes up.
- He puts her back to bed.
- He quietly leaves.
- The front door opens & his truck starts at exactly the same time.
I ran out of bed to find Gracie on her way to wandering around outside in the dark. This morning, I'll be buying some kind of child-proofing kit for the doors. xoxo
Gracie went #2 in the potty today, so we took her for ice cream. When I told my friend Kristal, she wanted to know if we'd take her for ice cream if she went potty too. xoxo
Snow Day!

Gracie & I made a mini snow village. In the picture, she's eating the raisins we were using for the snowman eyes. Reminds me of a cartoon where the kid makes an elaborate city in the snow & then pretends to be Godzilla. xoxo
Kids Say the Darndest Things
Gracie's little friend Kennedy has been in & out of the hospital this week with a bad virus. While this is very sad & I feel terrible for her momma, Kennedy is going to be okay & will probably come home today.
There is a bit of laughter in all of this, though. While taking Kennedy back to the hospital earlier this week Kennedy's brother, Troy asked his momma if Kennedy was going to die. She explained to him that everything was going to be alright, but some people do die. His response was, "That's okay, I've got some good memories." xoxo

I signed up for the World Famous Mud Run at Camp Pendleton in June. I will be running this 10K “up hills, through tire obstacles, rivers, and two 5-foot walls with mud on both sides. There is also a tunnel crawl, a slippery hill climb, and a 30-foot mud pit.” Joining in on all this fun will be: Kimi, Kristal, Karley, Randy & most of the guys at his station, along with 3,500 other crazies. Anyone want to join in? I can’t wait! xoxo
- Went to a Valentine Open House on Saturday.
- Went to a King's game where Mike & Natasha got engaged on Sunday.
- Spent Monday with my Valentine ooh-ing & aah-ing over the fact that we have walls!
- Made Gracie heart shaped pancakes.
- Made Randy cookies & surprised him at work.
- Did I mention that I changed my hair? (That's the only picture I have of it, thanks Janet).
- And because you haven't see enough pictures already, here's me (sans makeup) & my Girl playing dress-up.
I'm the Mother Who. . .
Took my girl Gracie to a Valentine's Day Party in which:
- I let a friend of a friend (who I had just met) take her and another little boy for a walk.
- I told people that my daughter is a little bit of a slut (most of her little friends are boys).
- I thought she had wandered into the kitchen, but had actually wandered outside toward the [fenced off] pool.
- I let her party until 10:30, and then finally decided to leave when she puked from an overdose of sweets & an underdose of rest.
I'm such a good momma. If there is such a thing as karma, I'm in trouble. xoxo

Did I mention that
Kathryn &
Janet came to GracieGirl's party? They totally spoiled her. One of Gracie's favorites was the ever so girly & pink fairy princess dress-up dress & matching stick horse that they got her. Janet was also our professional photographer for the event & gets credit for most of the
pictures. xoxo
To see the photo albums, click on the pictures.

Two Years Ago Today. . .
A 5lb. 11oz. baby girl was placed into my arms. My life has never been so full. These have been the best two years of my life. Thank you, GracieGirl. xoxo
Ass-vice for Those Planning to Cruise the Mexican Riviera
- Scuba dive in Puerto Vallerta. 40 feet under the water is the most amazing feeling. ever.
- If your cabin only has a shower (no bath) in it, get your legs waxed. That teeny shower can be a nightmare, especially if you have an unnatural fear of shower walls.
- Definitely get a room with a balcony, that way you can sit lose count of the whales & dolphins.
- Gentlemen (that's what they'll call you on the ship) - don't take your wife into a jewelry store, unless you plan on buying her a really beautiful diamond ring (that she's still trying to figure out how/why she deserves it).
- Order the lobster as often as you can, unless you're creeped out by the whole water-bug thing.
- Just give it up from the start & realize that you're going to gain ten pounds on this trip. That way you can really enjoy all the fantastic food & eat dessert with every meal like you want to.
- Wear sunscreen, even in preparation for the cruise (did I mention the sunburn incident of 2006? Soon followed by the peeling incident of 2006).
- One way to clear a spa: get in while you look like a leprosy patient.
- Do your absolute best not to piss off the guy who cleans your cabin. He will confiscate your comforter.
- Give the guy a comment card singing his high praises & he will tell you where he hid your comforter (laundry is his story).
- Immediately after he tells you your comforter should be back tonight, go in your room, close the door and laugh hysterically about how he thinks your are dirty Americans and about his name.
- Thalerngsak. Really. He said we could call him Sak. When the door was closed, we called him Thundersack. Pretty sure he heard.
- Never see your nice warm comforter again.
- Don't bother getting off the boat in Mazatlan, it feels just like Tijuana.
- Spend as much time as possible in Cabo, it's beautiful.
- Speak spanish to as many Mexicans as you can.
- They always like it when you ask in spanish where the bathroom is. It's even better when they point out two different bathrooms & you ask who is cleaner.
Pictures & more ass-vice tomorrow. xoxo