everything nicole
Friday, October 28, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Think Pink
Janet, you'll love this:GracieGirl is learning her colors. Just so happens that every time she names a color, it's pink. She'll hold up her orange purse, or a red ball and proudly say, "Pink!"
This is appropriate because Pink is one of her many nicknames. When she was growing big in my belly, I couldn't wait to find out if she was a boy or girl. When I found out & told my dad, being the proud Pop-pop that he is, he called his parents (my Granny & Papa) right away. Granny squealed when he simply said, "Think pink. The color for the season is pink." The name Pink has stayed with her (along with pumpkin, munchkin & tatertot). xoxo
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Apparently, clothes are no longer cool with the younger generation. By younger generation, I mean the 1 to 2 year-olds. Lately (i.e. every time), when it is time to get GracieGirl dressed or ready for bed, we are confronted with The Worst Temper Tantrum Ever. This includes kicking, screaming, yelling, screeching, tears and a terrible gritting of the baby teeth while trying to pull off said clothing.The Girl seems to think that the only clothing necessary when going somewhere is: a pair of ugly blue sandals, The Purse, and maybe some undies. Anything more than that and we've got a war on our hands. She'll fit in quite nicely at a nudist colony some day.
ps - After one of the many tantrums, I was making a grocery list. Randy wanted to make sure I put Baby Midol on the list - not such a bad idea! xoxo
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Quote of the Day
While on the phone to my dad:
"No, no, Gracie. Get your feet out of the potty!" xoxo
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Too Much Fun
We went out last night with Kimi, Dane, John, Katrina & baby Tyler. Had lots of fun. Drank margaritas by the pitcher. Randy drank way too much. See how well I took care of him?
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Cheaper Than. . .
Went to the 99 Cent store today. I haven't decided if I'm in love with that place, or totally repelled by it. Granted, there were some great deals (bags of candy corn: 2 for 0.99), but the quality just isn't the same. After much research (half a bag of candy corn), I've determined that although a great deal, it's sometimes better to pay the full $1.19 for candy corn at Target, rather than save a few pennies.The reason I went there in the first place was for two all-important items: A coupon holder (not sure where else I would find one) and a new purse for Gracie. I didn't find a coupon holder. I'm guessing that's because you can't use coupons at the 99 Cent store.
The Girl's purse on the other hand, has become somewhat of a sore subject for me. She insists on taking it everywhere. That alone wouldn't be such a big deal. I know kids get attached to random things, but this purse happens to be very orange and very plastic. It's hideous. So, I was looking for a cheap alternative to the nasty orange purse.
Things I wasted my 99 cents on:
- Bootiful plastic silver purse for the Girl
- 2 plates and 2 bowls for GracieGirl
- Box o' fake Oreos
- Hand soap, which I can't open
- Lotion that I'm now afraid to try
- Foil.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Moving On Up
Dear Internet,It seems I'm moving up in the world of blogging. My dad (knowing that it would so make my year), has purchased the domain name everythingnicole.com. I can't begin to explain how cool (and phat, rad, tight, etc.) this is. For the moment there is just a picture of me & GracieGirl there, but soon, very soon big changes will be coming. Thanks, Dad! xoxo
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Phone etiquette
In case you ever call me on the phone & GracieGirl answers, here's a preview of her phone conversations (they're almost always the same):"Lo. Lawloo. Mistoo. Trickytree. Lawloo. Bye bye. Done!"
Hello. Love you. Miss you. Trick or treat. Love you. Bye bye. [pushing phone away] Done!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Taking Tinkling Too Far
Warning: This blog will be taken over with Potty Training topics for awhile. Please bear with us as we are under "construction."
Potty Training has been going great. We even went to the mall yesterday & wore real undies with no accidents. Knock on wood for me, because we haven't had any accidents in the past 48 hours & I'm bragging about it!I said things were going great, but they may be going too well: GracieGirl has watched Randy pee before & she is an observant girl. I shouldn't have been surprised to find her standing in front of her potty (standing up), trying to do it the way her daddy does. xoxo
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Pooty Bliss
How proud am I of my girl for going #2 in the potty?More than words can say.
How grossed out am I at the prospect of cleaning out her Royal Potty?
More than words can say. xoxo
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Going Bad, In a Good Way
Turns out, I'm spoiled. This isn't some sudden revelation that I just had, more like an accumulation over the years. If you know me, then you probably know that I've always been spoiled. My brother refers to me as our parents only child. My dad's advice for Randy when we got married: Just don't ever forget that the world is always traveling somewhere around Nicole. I don't think Randy took that advice for granted, because he is the main cause of my spoiledness.I'm not bragging about the spoiling (although, I do love it), I'm just letting you all know that I am aware that I am so very spoiled. Now that I've come clean, my question to you is: what do I do with this knowledge? Can I use it to better the world?
Being in the spoiled state that I'm in, I'm having a hard time thinking of others. xoxo
Reason #993 That She's Ready
GracieGirl has learned a new word: Poot. She came in the other day saying, "Mommy. Poot! Mommy. Poot!" She then grabbed my hand, "C'mon," and lead me into the bedroom where I change her diaper. Sure enough, she'd "poot."Looks like as soon as The Cold From Hell leaves us, we'll be "Pooty training." xoxo