Think Pink
Janet, you'll love this:GracieGirl is learning her colors. Just so happens that every time she names a color, it's pink. She'll hold up her orange purse, or a red ball and proudly say, "Pink!"
This is appropriate because Pink is one of her many nicknames. When she was growing big in my belly, I couldn't wait to find out if she was a boy or girl. When I found out & told my dad, being the proud Pop-pop that he is, he called his parents (my Granny & Papa) right away. Granny squealed when he simply said, "Think pink. The color for the season is pink." The name Pink has stayed with her (along with pumpkin, munchkin & tatertot). xoxo
I love nicknames!! Pink is so cute and so girly!
That is so cute! Yay for pink!
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