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That there is a new button in the column on your right? This is a list of books I would like to get rid of. I've read them. Some were great books. Some not so great. Good or not, I hate to see literature go to waste. In the spirit of Bookcrossing.com, if you see a book that interests you, leave a comment or drop me a line (nicoleglancy at yahoo dot com) & I'll send you the book.Be forewarned: my books are well-used. I like to fold them up a lot while I read, but they're still clean. Except for the occasional booger. That's a joke. Really. xoxo
[EDIT] I just started looking through my books. This is harder than I thought it'd be! Please don't judge me by this list, these are the books I'm willing to part with. xoxo
I'll read Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight and Bergdorf Blondes, unless someone else wants 'em.
No need to send them, I'll get them when we get together in the next week or two!!!!
Hey Nicole this is awesome! I finally found your blog. Gracie is as adorable as ever. The book list is pretty cool too! Tricia J.
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