Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Principles test

Since teaching, any test that I take is always interesting. I end up wasting my time looking at the value of each question & whether or not it is a good question, instead of actually working on the test.
I took my real estate principles test today. It's kind of like a pretest for the state exam. I do realize that this is a profession that is not necessarily known for it's honest & loyal agents, but here's my problems with the state's process of getting licensed:

  • In order to qualify to take the test, you have to sit & watch 30 hours of video.
  • This video consists of a man reading from a book (which you have in front of you), with a few mildly funny stories mingled in.
  • Did I mention that the test I took today was open book and multiple choice?
  • Although the state doesn't release its test bank, the company where I took the class says that there are five different tests, which the state rotates. So you have a chance of getting one in five tests.
  • One of the books that came with the class contains all of the questions that are most likely to be on the test. Practically word for word (minus the extensive grammatical errors).

So, I'm thinking that after the CBEST, MSAT, & CSET, this should be a piece of cake. Of course, now that I've put that in writing, I'm destined to fail.

Before I go, let me note: Since I made the reference to grammatical errors, please let me know if you see any here so that I can correct them. (Was that a run-on sentence?) xoxo


At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! I found a grammatical error.
You mean the state does not release its test bank, not it's test bank. That would be the contraction of "it has", not the posessive.
Damn, it was hard to find one in there too.
What a weaksauce test they give, it sounds like.
PS I know something of this lot grading of which you spoke.

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be retarded. The 'possessive'.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger nicole said...

I fixed it, that was way too easy. I was expecting some dangling participles or something.

Todd who?

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Was that I run-on sentance?" should read "Were dat uh rumon sentence!"


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